We then were instructed to pick 8 pieces of 12x12 scrapbook paper that meant something to us. Next, we had to pick four of those and cut a 4x4 square out of them. Then we cut a circle out of the last four papers. After we had everything cut we glued the circle to the squares. Then we traced a 2x2 square on the back of the sqaures and cut out the small pieces.
The next step was to create our quilt block by either matching up a piece from each square or putting the squares back together. We could also put all four squares together or leave a space in between them. I decided to leave all four squares back together because I didn't think that each of the small squares went together. I also decided to space it out. Once we liked the placement of our blocks we were able to glue them down.
We were then instructed to decorate the extra white space around the quilt blocks. I decided to color each corner and do a squiggle tie in the middle. When we were finished we were asked to talk about each of our paper choices and why we chose them.
As an extension activity, I would study different cultures that make patchwork quilts. Students could write in their journals like they were from a different culture or time period who really focused on patchwork quilts. I would also talk about patterns in math class.
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